Dalton Park Outlet is delighted to announce it has introduced a range of initiatives designed to enhance accessibility and inclusivity for all visitors. From September 16th 2024, Dalton Park introduced Sensory Bags for children, in partnership with the North East Autism Society.

The bags include fidget toys, ear defenders, and egg timers which visitors can collect at Guest Services for a refundable £20 cash deposit, and aim to aid in creating a calmer shopping experience. The outlet has also introduced quiet hours every Tuesday from 10am – 12pm and Saturday 9:30 – 10:30am for shoppers that prefer a setting with less noise stimulation.
In addition, Dalton Park Outlet introduced the use of the Sunflower Lanyard scheme, a recognised symbol for hidden disabilities, which will allow customers to discreetly indicate to the outlet’s staff and retailers if extra assistance is required. The lanyards will also be available free of charge at Guest Services for shoppers that require them or have forgotten their own.