Bishop Auckland College is delighted to announce that it has received an overall ‘Good’ rating with outstanding features in its latest Ofsted inspection.
Inspectors visited all areas of the College to examine teaching, learning and college life over the course of a rigorous four-day inspection in December.
The report highlighted the College's outstanding personal development provision, which “supports students to make very good progress," and its outstanding provision for students with high needs.
Other highlights include the College's high-quality teaching, positive culture and strong leadership, with inspectors specifically noting the "high-quality off-the-job training" and "well-equipped workshops" available to apprentices.
Inspectors also praised the College for the staff’s approach to creating a positive culture.
Shaun Hope, Bishop Auckland Group Principal and CEO, said: "We're thrilled with the Ofsted report, which captures the dedication and high-quality teaching that happens every day at Bishop Auckland College.
“This positive outcome is a testament to the hard work of our entire staff and the success is a shared achievement.
“I want to express my sincere gratitude to our incredible staff, students and stakeholders. Their dedication and team spirit make Bishop Auckland College a special place.”
Inspectors met with governors, college leaders, staff, students, stakeholders and employers and their results have strengthened a desire from within the College to keep building on the success.
Shaun said: “We will not stop here, we are on a journey of continuous improvement. We are committed to providing the best possible experience for our students, apprentices, staff and partners."
The report acknowledged the College's dedication to meeting local needs and supporting the local economy, praising its "clear strategic intent."
Ofsted also highlighted the College's strong partnerships, which enable students to participate in projects such as the Auckland Project.
Patrick Lonergan, the Chair of Governors at the corporation, said: “On behalf of the corporate board, we are really pleased with our recent Ofsted report.
“It shows the strides we have made as a College over the last few years and follows on from the high achievement rates we have produced for our students and apprentices.”
*To read the full report, please visit the Bishop Auckland College section of the Ofsted website.
Overall effectiveness - GOOD
The quality of education - GOOD
Behaviour and attitudes - GOOD
Personal development - OUTSTANDING
Leadership and management - GOOD
Education programmes for young people - GOOD
Adult learning programmes - GOOD
Apprenticeships - GOOD
Provision for students with high needs - OUTSTANDING
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection - GOOD
The College is proud to share some of the report’s observations:
-Teachers of apprenticeships present information clearly giving precise explanations and instructions.
-Apprentices benefit from high-quality off-the-job training at the college. for example carpentry and joinery apprentices train in a well-equipped workshop where they have access to high-quality equipment and resources.
-Through their useful collaboration with stakeholders, leaders enable students to participate in large projects in the town including the Auckland Project, Bishop Auckland Pride and Education Enterprise Legacy.
-Leaders have a clear strategic intent to meet local needs, raise the aspirations of students to progress into employment and support the local and regional economy.
-Leaders have ensured that provision for students with high needs is ambitious and supports students to make very good progress.
-Pathways are designed to develop students’ independence quickly and enable them to achieve their social, emotional and educational outcomes.
-Teachers make sure their vocational experience is current through frequent returns to industry supported by leaders and managers. Consequently, students and apprentices benefit by developing up-to-date vocational knowledge and skills.